Monday, March 2, 2015

Dharavi was founded in 1882 and it grew because of an explosion of factories and colonial government during a time of economic expansion. The total population is about 300,000-1,000,000 (600-2,000 People per Acre) and it is a visual eyesore, but a symbol of raw inequality that is a perfect example of the failure, by policy makers, to accommodate the millions of rural migrants searching for opportunity in Indian cities. And now, Dharavi is a problem because of its high population density from the massive population growth of lower class people into the area looking for jobs in leather, textile, and pottery factories in Mumbai and also cheap housing. 

A major consequence for the people and the environment is pollution and the effects it has on public health. The people of Dharavi use the Mithi river for defecation and urination which pollutes the river tremendously and flows into the Arabian Sea. 

How Humans are Affected
Humans are affected because of pollution to the Dharavi's water supply and can not access clean drinking water and widespread diseases throughout the population that leads to a high mortality rate.

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