Monday, March 2, 2015


Potential Solutions
Potential solutions to the problem would be to educate the people i the slums that there is an overpopulation problems and how they can change some ways of life to help the problem. Another is to clean up the slums an provide free clean drinking water to those in the slums to help prevent the spread of disease and other illnesses.
Organizational Help
The Lehman Brothers Bank (Based in the United States) proposed a 790 million dollar redevelopment plan but the locals in the area and those near the area are fighting against this plan because they say it would cause more harm than good. The locals understand the plan as, “I will get only 225 sq. ft, regardless how much area I own now.”  The plan states, “Each family will get 225 sq. ft of space in multi-storied buildings that will be maintained by the developer for a 15-year period. The developers must provide 30 million sq. ft of housing, schools, parks and roads for these families. In return, they can build 40 million sq. ft of homes and offices for sale.”

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